The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC

The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC
The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Log Home Construction Basics: Definitions of shell-in and turn-key construction

These terms are commonly used in log home construction and refer to how complete the builder will construct the home.  And because each term can have different meanings to different individuals, its wise when speaking with a builder to ask them for their definition, because you know what happens when you assume.  Here's our definition:
  • Shell-in or construct the weather tight shell refers to the builder constructing the subfloor, log walls, install the windows/doors, interior rough framing and roof system through the shingles/metal roof on the foundation.  
  • Turn-key or turn-key construction project refers to the builder constructing the log home based on your specifications and ready for you to move in.    
The Take Away:  Which ever path you choose to construct your dream log home make sure the builder of record provides you (in writing) the details explaining the construction of your home.  Because you know what happens when you assume!

By The Leelanau Log Home Company 

Copyright 2012 Under the Influence of Wood Blog