The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC

The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC
The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is there a difference between a builder and general contractor?

The answer is yes!  Like many industries, construction terms and titles can have different meanings depending on the individual and can be toss about with the assumption that you know the meaning(s).  Here's how we define them.

The builder is typically the individual who will actually construct your home that may include  setting the foundation, raising the log walls, framing, roofing, install windows and doors, trim carpentry, etc. 

The general contractor (a.k.a the G.C.) will act as the project manager who will prepare and present you the construction contract and schedules, execute the schedules, monitor quality, coordinate and communicate with the subcontractors (subcontractor is hired typically by the G.C. to perform specific work such as drywall, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, etc.), prepare the paperwork for draws for the title company and bank, communicate progress and issues to the homeowner, etc.

Many times a builder (typically a smaller company) not only swings a hammer, but serves as the general contractor as well.  This individual wears many hats and is typically on the jobsite daily.

So before you sign the construction contract, make sure you know who's wearing which hat!

By The Leelanau Log Home Company LLC 

Copyright 2011 Under the Influence of Wood Blog